People will click through from your emails seeking answers. If you’ve been sending effective campaigns then it could well be you who’s put the question in their mind. Either way, when a person responds to an email it’s answers they’re looking for.
It could be a straightforward “how to” kind of question, more of an intrigued “what’s this all about?” or even a “how about some discount?”. The first step is understanding the questions your target audience are asking.
A question of timing
Are you trying to provide answers to questions that no-one’s asking right now?
For example, in these Cost of Living Crisis times are your potential customers asking “How will you make me more profit?” or is it a case of “How can I cut costs?”; are they asking “How can I expand my business?” or is it “How can I stop losing customers?”.
When opportunity knock, knocks… who’s there? In difficult times it doesn’t mean there are no opportunities; but it does mean that, unless you’ve reacted and are providing the right answers, you’re missing them. Your emails have to work harder than ever to convince potential customers that you have the answers.
A timing of questions
And answers. The most effective emails are ones that are valuable to the recipient. They engage and provide an answer. But, to get a response, to turn that engagement into action, it’s best to leave some meat on the bone. People will click-through if there’s:
- The promise of more answers to come
- More to the answer for full understanding
- Action required to use the answer (think promocode)
- A related question posed but left unanswered
- Sufficient trust and authority built
Give your audience something worth their time to read and better, worth clicking through to find out more.